Rather welcome to going underground china in the news probably more of a coronavirus but people will know that chinas one child policy arguably may have helped it become the superpower of the 21st century people are going to be surprised when reading your new book that there was no fostering programs for children one of the side effects of that one child policy before you turned up on the scene well thats right thank you very much for having me yes when we landed in china they want me to see i had known no understanding at source of course most of the children. That were abandoned. On their way into ended up in institutions and for the very little younger babies got the opportunity for International Doctrine but there is nothing happening in china now i know you write about your child in oratory speaking to me from how that. The book tells of how you were a navy Royal Navy Submarine a juror in the cold war why is it you didnt seem to have any of the prejudices which are arguably being
Hostility toward russia per chance. They see company stay with r t a day said half an hour. Im after a time they were going underground as britains code recovered pm Boris Johnson flies to brussels to try to negotiate with the largest trading block in the world and as this country tries desperately to stem a worse coronavirus death for capita rate than trumps usa or both are now as brazil coming out of the show 42 years since the communist party of china voted Deng Xiaoping paramount leader of the peoples republic paving the way for lifting 800000000 people out of poverty we speak to the britain who introduced foster care to the global superpower of the 21st century it is routinely defamed in the west for terminating us. And is the un predicts coronavirus may push of a 200000000 more people into extreme poverty we speak to a book a long list of novelist about his portrayal of londons underbelly of ultraviolet crime arguably created by upper class political ideology and ask why politici
Coupleted in committee a weeks ago and had over 650 amendments submitted to the official mark of the chairman and the subcommittee marks. We process to those amendments and adopted 475 amendments in. Ommittee i want to thank our staff for the incredible amount of work to work with members and various interested parties to get us to that product. I am very pleased we were able to get that done and pass the bill out of the Armed Services committee unanimously 560 with broad support. I want to thank the Ranking Member of the committee for his incredible leadership during this process. Partnereen a terrific as the chairman of the committee and as the Ranking Member. As heill be his last ndaa is retiring from congress. I want to thank him for his great work and leadership. I want to emphasize a point i have made many times, the Armed Services Committee Works in a bipartisan way and produces a legislative product in a manner i think should be an example for all of congress. That does not hap
354, h. R. 6395, a bill to authorize appropriations for 2021 for military activities of the department of military d for construction to prescribe military personnel strength for for other year and purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 053, in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on the services printed in bill, an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of rules committee is adopted and the bill, as amended, is considered as read. Debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and the ng minority member of committee on Armed Services. The gentleman from washington, smith, and the gentleman from texas, mr. Thornberry, each minutes. Rol 30 the chair recognizes the gentleman from washington. Mr. Smith mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and to heir remarks include extraneous material on h. R. 6395. The speaker pro tempore witho
Our oversight over the and our t of Defense National Security Budget and priorities, and this bill reflects that. Start by thanking a lot of people who have done an enormous amount of work to make this possible. Started in committee a couple of weeks ago. E had over 650 amendments submitted to the original mark of the chairman and the subcommittee marks. Processed those amendments and actually adopted 475 committee. In i want to thank our staff more than i possibly can for the amount of work they did to go through all of those amendments, to work with various to work with interested parties to get us to that product. I am very pleased we were able that done and pass the bill out of the Armed Services unanimously. 560. With broad support. I want at this point thank the Ranking Member of the committee, mr. Thornberry, for his incredible leadership during this process. Hes been a terrific partner, when he was chairman of the committee and now that hes the Ranking Member of the committee.