A Theologian’s Journey I have no idea how many, if any, of you are interested in this brief autobiographical reminiscence about my theological journey.
Francisco Tourinho is a Brazilian Calvinist apologist. He described his theological credentials on my Facebook page: I have the respect of the academic Brazilian Calvinist apologist Francisco Tourinho demanded the primary source for a 1562 sermon by Calvin on Matthew 1:22-25. I produced it (in 2014), and it's decisive.
Evangelical Christianity: A Guide for the Perplexed
June 29, 2021
Roger E. Olson
Evangelical Christianity: A Guide for the Perplexed
As a life long evangelical Christianity and alleged scholar-expert on the subject, I am concerned (to put it mildly) about the widespread confusion in culture and society, spread especially by journalists, about the subject.
This blog was begun with the intent of, among other things, elucidating the true meaning of “evangelical Christianity.” That after I noticed a definite trend in American culture and society toward serious confusion about it.
There is no “THE evangelical church.” Evangelical Christians are not a monolithic block. There is real diversity among evangelical Christians. Evangelical Christianity is not uniquely American. Evangelical Christianity is not a “bounded set” category but a “centered set” category. Evangelical Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with politics. Some evangelical Christians are monarchist