waste at the department of energy. briton identifies as non-binary and gender fluid. laura: oh, does he? talk about holding the bar really high. you know he would still be there if they didn t have that security footage, by the way. for this administration, it s failure as far as the eye can see yet zero accountability, none. still no senior officials, no cabinet official fired. not alejandro, let em all in, mayorkas at dhs. not leave it to pete buttigieg at the department of transportation. not the queen of transitory inflation janet yellen at treasury. so the only logical conclusion at this point can be that america s decline is their agenda. now biden s balloon fiasco was a national embarrassment for the united states at every turn, and it reminds us that we really don t have military leaders who are looking out for us. even when generals austin and milley blew the afghanistan withdraw which led to the deaths of 13 service members, they still kept their jobs. the inte
from canada, i told the defense department i wanted to shoot it down as soon as it was appropriate. they concluded, they concluded we should not shoot it down over land, it was not a serious threat and we should wait until it got across the water. laura: what seems obvious is that the biden people had wanted to keep the entire thing secret and hoped that the balloon fiasco would literally blow over. they wanted nothing to interfere with secretary blinken s plan to beg president xi for more engagement. please, so, don t break off relations with us, we want to get closer to you. but the truth came out, didn t it? since last week the pr folks at the pentagon who appear to be the only competent people on the staff there have been engaged in a flat spin of desperation. we believe we mitigated as the intelligence capability of the balloon, at the same time increasing and improving our