waste at the department of energy. briton identifies as non-binary and gender fluid. laura: oh, does he? talk about holding the bar really high. you know he would still be there if they didn t have that security footage, by the way. for this administration, it s failure as far as the eye can see yet zero accountability, none. still no senior officials, no cabinet official fired. not alejandro, let em all in, mayorkas at dhs. not leave it to pete buttigieg at the department of transportation. not the queen of transitory inflation janet yellen at treasury. so the only logical conclusion at this point can be that america s decline is their agenda. now biden s balloon fiasco was a national embarrassment for the united states at every turn, and it reminds us that we really don t have military leaders who are looking out for us. even when generals austin and milley blew the afghanistan withdraw which led to the deaths of 13 service members, they still kept their jobs. the inte
overtaking southwest 708 southwest started its take off while if he had is has started to land unfortunately they re on top of each other by only a few hundred feet. laura: luckily mayor pete was on the sunday shows yesterday to clear everything up. he is an absolutely historically successful president. this president has exceeded expectations again and again politically and functionally. laura: exceeded expectations. now it would be funny if it weren t so dangerous. entrusting someone as inexperienced and as clueless as leave it to pete isn t just upending travel plans, sooner or later it s going to result in americans being harmed. but he s a first, so no one bats an eye. and now, do you ever wonder what the left would do here in the united states if we didn t have a constitution? if we had no first amendment? now as it is during covid in 2020, they used their corporate censors to block opposing viewpoints. yeah, if they had their
it s about the world that we want our children and grandchildren to inherit. laura: oh, the world? well, under their lame leadership, we re creating a world where china doesn t just control all of asia, it s making games in our own hemisphere including right here in the united states. you see, china s serious about its plans for domination and control. meanwhile, biden s chair man of the joint chiefs spends inordinate amount of time promoting woke agenda within his own ranks. on the issue of critical race theory et cetera a lot of us have to get much smarter on what the theory is. but i do think it s important, actually, for those of us in uniform to be open minded and be widely read and the united states military academy is a university. and it is important that we train and we understand and i want to understand white rage and i m white and i want to understand it. laura: bet he never gets so
the phone, you better call biden s new chief of staff and you better tell him that you will not be able to keep writing blank checks for the pentagon unless some real changes are made. no more money for woke nonsense, no more tolerating incompetence. and that s the angle. joining me now congressman mark green chair man of the homeland security committee and member of house foreign affairs committee. congressman, do you believe the administration when they say that the chinese didn t glean any intel, usable intel from that balloon? absolutely not, laura. if they can control its elevation in its path, which we know for a fact they did, that thing changed elevation several times they had to be able to be getting information back. there s no way. laura: did you ever think you would see a time where the united states of america, with the money that we have put in to our national intense, was just a laughing stock? i m sorry, a laughing stock in the world watching this thing
take place. a lot of people on tv today were kind of downplaying it, oh, well, this is a big nothing burger, if i heard that phrase one more time i m going to throw up. but what does this say to the chinese that we were just passive observers until, you know, biden decided there was political fallout and they had to take it down. sure. this was an invasion of the united states sovereign territory, our space, by a chinese spy balloon. the general officers who advised that thing not be shot down should be fired. that s step one to future competing with china. fire whoever advised him. laura: that s milley and austin isn t it not. whoevers laura: isn t up to you guys to find out who made that call same thing with afghanistan congressman. absolutely. laura: we re back a year and a half later and yet another embarrassment for the country. i know for a fact the house foreign affairs committee is planning on the withdraw, they re going to dig into that and we re going to dig int