stands by her statement that she made on monday. and again, what we have done yesterday is to send an e-mail letter, i did, to the chair of the senate select committee on ethics and also the chair and the ranking member of the senate judiciary committee seeking to have a hearing in the senate by one or both of those committees in which beverly can testify, take the oath, swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help her god and answer any and all questions relevant to her allegations against mr. moore. and you want her to do that as well? yes. we want him to be subpoenaed. if he won t appear voluntarily. and for him to testify. he can deny it if he wants as long as it s under oath. let him be cross-examined. i did hear on cnn someone just briefly say something about, oh, they can t do that. well, actually, don, today i
my thing is careful what you say. it will come back to bite you. but still, the man needs a drink of water. don, go back and look. there s an artful way of doing it. we ve seen or presidents do it from democrats to republicans. this president, he s still learning. there s a learning curve and he s going to have to learn that you cannot deliver a major speech, built up this speech and then stop and just take water like he s going to have to learn that you have to do it in a very polished way because he broke the momentum two times. all right. i ve got to go. this is tea, actually, and i don t want to spill thank you, guys, when we come back, first thing this morning the president asks for a thank you for intervening for three basketball players. why does this president need praise? we re going to discuss that next.
to pledge his loyalty and he instead promised to always be honest with the president. in fact fbi employees pledged to be loyal only to the u.s. constitution, not to any individual including the president. all of us in the fbi are focused, hyper focus is on faility to the mission, not faility to a poll tesch shn, not faility to any person. reporter: the president claims coq assured mr. trump that he was not under investigation related to the russian probe and that coq asked him to keep him on as fbi chief. a course says that comey did not ask to keep his john and just three days earlier trump told coq he would stay on.n and just three days earlier trump told coq he would stay and jus three days earlier trump told coq he would stay on. and just three days earlier trump told coq he would stay on. and he s not worried about any taped recordings of their
computers were shut down in june of 2015 because of russian hacking. we ve known a lot about this before. and what john mccain said in the opening statement is we know the joint chiefs and the white house and state department have been hacked in the past by russia. what hadn t been reported before is that this is going to be combined in the report and what is new in the reporting on n nb nightly news by hallie jackson tonight was the motives involved as well. that putin had a grievance against this administration going all the way back feeling he was being delegitimized by barack obama. ironies abound. andrea, we ve seen evolving explanations from the president-elect and his team in terms of why they don t buy it. it was initially they said that the intelligence agencies weren t on the same page. it s clear they are now on the same page. then they said they d release they had released no evidence to prove their case, they have obviously over the holidays and