to pledge his loyalty and he instead promised to always be honest with the president. in fact fbi employees pledged to be loyal only to the u.s. constitution, not to any individual including the president. all of us in the fbi are focused, hyper focus is on faility to the mission, not faility to a poll tesch shn, not faility to any person. reporter: the president claims coq assured mr. trump that he was not under investigation related to the russian probe and that coq asked him to keep him on as fbi chief. a course says that comey did not ask to keep his john and just three days earlier trump told coq he would stay on.n and just three days earlier trump told coq he would stay and jus three days earlier trump told coq he would stay on. and just three days earlier trump told coq he would stay on. and he s not worried about any taped recordings of their