On my neighbors. Any others wishing to comment . Park it up park it up give it a try wont you park it up park it up city give it a try dont make us drivers cry dont make a grown man cry wont you park it up colleagues, any other members of the public wish to speak in support of the appellant . Seeing none, why dont we now go to the Planning Department. Good afternoon, president chiu and members of the board. Im [speaker not understood], a senior environmental planner with the Planning Department. With me today is victoria wise, the Deputy Director of Environmental Planning and kay [speaker not understood] who is the Environmental Coordinator for the mitigated negative declaration which is the subject of todays appeal hearing. On may 12th, 2014, you received a detailed memo responding in detail to the issues raised in this appeal. The decision before the board is whether or not to uphold the departments decision to issue a mitigated negative declaration or to send the project back to the
My name is don marcus on with the university [speaker not understood]. Im here to support block 33 and 34 ucsf. The city is [speaker not understood] for the rest of San Francisco. And we need that Job Development momentum going and this project will help do that. I heard in the news last night or yesterday the average house price in San Francisco is a Million Dollars now. So, theres a lot of issues and a lot of item that need to be addressed. And what we hope for is a speedy and fair resolution of other issues just as important as employment. But as far as workforce development, im confident that the ucsf Construction Team and Development Team have put together a strong outreach and recruitment of San Francisco residents to work in the project. Im here again to ask for your support and thank you for your consideration. Colleagues next speaker. Lot of city people went sailing on the San Francisco renters bay and we like Affordable Housing and thats what wed like to say call it whatever
ABC57 News in South Bend, Ind. covers all of Michiana including St. Joseph, Elkhart, Kosciusko, LaPorte and Marshall counties in Indiana and Berrien, Cass, Van Buren and St. Joseph counties in Mich.
When the Rev. Mark Nestlehutt boarded the Dali cargo ship a week after it crashed into a Baltimore bridge, anxious questions emerged among the 21 crew members: “When will I