The domestic violence offender kicked his partner in the shin then struck her forehead. When she called the police, he told her not to sell his car when he was in jail.
The incident involved both the defendant and the victim, whose six children were home at the time. Police arrived, detained the defendant and spoke to both parties regarding the incident. The victim stated she and the respondent were speaking earlier on the phone in relation to the her dropping off work clothes for the next day. During the conversation, the victim indicated she wasn t able drop his clothes off because they were in the wash. The defendant then called her a c - and a dog over the phone and the victim could hear he was drunk due to his slurred speech.
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A man, locked out of his residence after an argument with his partner over cigarettes, attempted to kick their front door down, a court heard.
The man, 48, who can’t be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty in Gladstone Magistrates Court on Tuesday to contravening a domestic violence order.
Police prosecutor Carl Spargo read the facts of the man’s case to the court and Magistrate Bevan Manthey.
On March 10, about 7.35am, police from Tannum Sands were tasked to attend an address on Yakuna St, Boyne Island, in relation to a domestic violence incident.
Police arrived and located the defendant at the front of a neighbouring property and the aggrieved inside the address.
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Subscriber only A man who could not remember committing horrific domestic violence offences against his partner due to heavy meth use, appeared in Gladstone District Court on Tuesday. The man, 23, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to choking in a domestic setting, common assault and possessing a dangerous drug. The man appeared via video-link from the Capricornia Correctional Centre as Prosecutor Evan O Hanlon-Rose read the facts of his case. A domestic violence order between the defendant and the aggrieved did not exist at the time of his offending, however, does now. One evening the defendant and the aggrieved were laying in bed together when the defendant asked the complainant to lean her head back over the edge of the mattress.