around the whole tough adjustment thing, huh? well, states are in desperate financial situations and when they get to that point, they do hard things. absent that kind of difficulty, it s not easy to get any government to do this. these are difficult times but some important invasions are taking place and we re finally seeing states wrestle with the most difficult of their problems much the problem obviously for taxpayers is that they may seek and receive massive amounts of federal money, which will be charged to the deficit and no one left the wiser. neil: obviously the democrats are increasingly confident they have votes, even republican votes, to get this passed before they get out of town for the august recess. they framed it with a interesting ad that plays on the class warfare. have a good look at this. governor. states across america are facing tough choices, choices like laying off police and
but is it the government s job to tell me what to feed my kids? its my job, my wife and i are responsible for that. what the government is wanting to do is provide healthier choices. ultimately if you still want to send food with your kid to school that s not healthy, you can do that. but what we re doing neil: the tupperware tub of chicken wings not a good idea? do we want the government do the matt. we need to teach them how to eat. neil: fine, fine. parents should do that, not the schools. parents have done a lousy job. they re not. neil: it s not your job to do what the parents are not doing. it s not your job to replace what the parents should be doingnd it s a slippery slope when you police lunchboxes because it s not too much of a leap to start policing a lot of other things. but we want to improve those
boxer could say what we need to do is push forward a cap and trade. even diane dianne feinstein says will not clean up the gulf. we need to focus on cleaning up the gulf. jerry brown has a unique view of business titans such as yourself running for office. he doesn t think much of business muckity mucks. this is business, do you hire somebody whose never spent one day barely voted and now says i woke up one morning, i ve got this money, i think i ll be governor. what do you think of that? well, first, how would jerry brown know what the lessons from business are to government? because he s been in politics
war. if we were at war with a foreign country, we would be in occupied territory. the federal government needs to take over, tell bp to pay for it at the end of the day, get a chain of command and get the job done. they need to intensify the manpower and equipment. neil: who is the boss? i m sorry for being sim police tic but normally someone calls the shots. who is it? you re the coast guard is supposed to be calling the shots but they re talking to bp and getting them involved. that s what i m saying, the president should exercise his authority and say this is my guy, if we need this is the guy, or lady, who will call the shots. bp, at the end of the day, you re going to write a check. set up an escrow account to clean this thing up, to plug the hole, you put x amount of money
you might be right and i defer to your expertise but a lot of them say they weighed it and the white house and coast guard weighed, others getting involved or taking over and when they finally had a moment of push coming to shove they were back to bp. that s because they never they didn t have access to the service companies. and the service company executives are under confidentiality agreements by bp. i talked to one of the senior guys to called me from the army corps of engineers and saying we have so much expertise but the government needs to tell us what to do. the government is relying on bp, telling us everything s okay. neil: whether they re involved, do you think bp is finished? if the get serious, if the reports are real by the