but is it the government s job to tell me what to feed my kids? its my job, my wife and i are responsible for that. what the government is wanting to do is provide healthier choices. ultimately if you still want to send food with your kid to school that s not healthy, you can do that. but what we re doing neil: the tupperware tub of chicken wings not a good idea? do we want the government do the matt. we need to teach them how to eat. neil: fine, fine. parents should do that, not the schools. parents have done a lousy job. they re not. neil: it s not your job to do what the parents are not doing. it s not your job to replace what the parents should be doingnd it s a slippery slope when you police lunchboxes because it s not too much of a leap to start policing a lot of other things. but we want to improve those