the mother. robert, what would people think about that as a policy matter? was that was that unusual for a supreme court justice to t get into that level of detail or did they think that was the heat given on this particular issue? yeah, i think with justice cavnar you have to appreciate the fact that given the leak of this opinion that happened several months ago, he has personallyth been under ane immense amount of pressure. you know, he s had protesters f out in front of his house for l months. he had a lunatic who triedic toe assassinate him h just last wee. so i think he feels everything he does is going to be highly scrutinized and he s trying to to assuageng he can the public that the decision doesn t ban abortions nationwide. you go onhi twitter and you ll see a bunch of people that now think abortion isis legal nationwide, which is obviously not true . let them knowtoe. that the court isn t poised too dooo more than it has done, whih is essentially withdraw itself from the pro
. so er that s one of the things that i and legislative leaders have been working on . we s believe that will call intn a special session because of t this decision. some it camee out today and there may be some language that we want to address during that special session. and also i launched a website today called life that s.v. that guvs which puts resources out there and information like this to those individuals that are in these situations and connectsininne them to medil help. it connects them to adoptiveow services to make sureha that people really do have the information that they need at their fingertips. but laura , this yearar in legislative session a i brought a bill that dealt with chemical abortions to make surehe that the people were goig to be protected from this dangerous situation of getting drugs through the mail and being unsupervised for . at medical procedure > will there be potential criminal penalties for doctors and or women who obtain an abortion in that mann
0 to people and they say they took away our right to abortion. you can tell them the truth. that s not what today s decision did. they decided who gets to decide and the constitution is clear . it s the states all the time we have left this evening. thanks for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. stay with the fox news channel for continuing coverage, not your heartbeat troubled laura s next . we ll see on monday. i m laura ingram and this is ingraham angle on a triumphant friday night from new york answered prayers. that s the focus of tonight s angle on january 22nd . nineteen seventy three almost fifty years ago, seven members of the supreme held that under the fourteenth amendment of our constitution the same constitute that americans and fought and died to protect elected officials could not protect the unborn from abortion. now ever since that time,l abortion has been a constitutional right now this is a painful and humiliating experience forov tens of million