nervous about this idea of positive reality. they re not making sure. trusting america to elect a here s the thing is that the i have animals that i make sure evangelicalism. we had blacks and whites inspiring positive reality is have decent housing, doesn t black candidate named barack that we re going to go back and together, many of them together saying no. i still am old enough to religious leaders are going back food a because we cannot let this remember the hell of passing decent food and even a decent place to relieve themselves. stand. indeed. nine out of ten of the poor hussein obama. obamacare. he lost new hampshire to hillary what democrats are now doing, and yet we re doing this under states in the united states are rather than saying and i m red states that voted for donald clint clinton, and people didn t know not saying common sobriety, i m trump. among them are mitch mcconnell s what to think. which one was electable. saying the house is literal lir children s n
eliminate h.u.d. we are willing to work with him, despite all his missteps and uninformed opinions, we re willing to work with him. but we ll move on without him if he doesn t step up to the mra it s. our solution is not about talk. baltimore city council member brandon scott. thank you for being with us. we ll be right back. four lines, for $40/lir it s all included for the whole family. like unlimited with netflix on us. and now with each new line, get one of our latest smartphones included. $40/line for four lines and smartphones are included for the whole family. this is not just a headache. this is not just a fever. this is not just the flu. it s meningitis b. and you re not there to help. while meningitis b is uncommon. once symptoms appear, they can progress quickly and can be fatal. sometimes within 24 hours. before you send your teen to college. make sure you help protect them. talk to your teen s doctor. about meningitis b vaccination.
him saying you didn t get a job offer in d.c. is that why you are turning against the president and reminding everybody he did lie to congress and they will say you can t believe this guy. you bring up the president s taxes and he may be able to testify that the president was under an audit. who cares? he could have released anyway. the white house saying the president isn t worried about what cohen has to say. is there reason to believe otherwise? absolutely. we have evidence going back for a while here that trump really didn t want michael cohen to be testifying. he has been putting that out there in his tweets, been trying to make him look unreliable, like a lir, like he has all of these family problems. i think we absolutely can believe he is very worried about this. to the point about the children, i think it sounds nice i want to protect my family. what we are talking about here is the trump foundation. some of the stuff i m really interested in for the hearing i hope is that
you don t know man or you know people come not my door at two am for him in the morning. and with me up and tell me i m or son of lir nor booker is there and so on and. oh you know it s going on course and then i go i m interfere i m stubborn on behalf of the president and you have no right now is there a critic you are in times you know why is this why is wife want happens we stop it we admit it we don t hide it we don t find excuses we don t like people people have their own lips and ears and eyes but if you want me to be the perfect model for your not perfect i m sure showing all this as we go more in some cases a mission yes yes yes sometimes sometimes i can t because i m under thirty i m twenty three years old i cannot differentiate between freedom for expression and incitement sometimes i cannot i have to turn palestinians please don t smear don t
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