SCOTUS issued opinion in Sackett v EPA establishing stricter test limiting federal juris. to wetlands. Development on isolated vegetated wetlands are no longer be subject to notice or permitting requirements in municipalities that don't specifically regulate these wetlands.
cases come to be. most times when i m interviewing you, it s about the cases. it has now become a bit about the court, and that is a different role for a lot of reporters. the thing that people need to understand is that there are ethics, and there are the rules that they have to follow. the rules are very few. we don t have ethics, ethics rules for supreme court justice is the way that we do for others in federal once. right the supreme court justices are supposed to be policing themselves. there is no way to enforce this they say. there are each a law unto themselves. that s when you get justice alito looking around for a dictionary where he can find some where a definition of air travels facilities. right? there isn t the ability for them to enforce it against one another. that raises the burden on to be scrupulous and meticulous. the way that every other government official is about abiding by the law.
rules for supreme court justice is the way that we do for others in federal once. right the supreme court justices are supposed to be policing themselves. there is no way to enforce this they say. there are each a law unto themselves. that s when you get justice alito looking around for a dictionary where he can find some where a definition of air travels facilities. right? there isn t the ability for them to enforce it against one another. that raises the burden on to be scrupulous and meticulous. the way that every other government official is about abiding by the law. the other thing that i would say is that it s really essential bit when they say that they are taking them down, what they re doing is making them a argument about how they are above the law. that is terrifying. talia thank you as always. we ll be right back. l be right back.
State of CA and select localities are due for another round of minimum wage increases to take effect July 1, 2023. This list contains new local minimum wage rate for nonexempt employees.
State of CA has a grant program for eligible small businesses and nonprofits to help reimburse costs for employers providing Covid Supplemental Paid Sick Leave.