POPULATION INSIGHTS - A new population-based study involving 22 million people shows that autoimmune disorders now affect about one in ten individuals.
Join us for the charity event of the year – the 12th annual CasinoRoyale “Carnevale” – benefitting Diabetes research/treatment atMichigan Medicine at University of Michigan.
Both undertreatment and overtreatment were associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes, including higher mortality, but keeping thyroid hormone levels normal is a tricky task, researchers admit.
Before parents consent to vaccinate their children against COVID, basic medical ethics requires that they be informed of how safe the vaccine is. Yet in a shocking on-video admission, Dr. Eric Ruben, an advisory committee member to the FDA, said this about the COVID vaccine in children five to eleven during an official FDA hearing: “We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.” No, Dr. Ruben, that isn’t “the way it goes.” American children are not experimental subjects. You could and should have demanded more safety studies. Despite the admitted lack of safety data, … Continue reading →