yes, he s running fo reelection, for the same reasons he ran against donal trump in 2020, because republican extremists are stil threatening american democracy - that s been the work of my first term to fight for our democracy it shouldn t be a revolution t protect our rights, to mak sure that everyone in this country is treated equally i that everyone is given a fai shot at making it. but, yo know, around the country, maga extremists are lining up t take away those bedroc freedoms, cutting social security that you paid for you entire life while cutting taxe for the very wealthy, dictatin what health care decisions whe can make, banning books an telling people who they ca love all while making it mor difficult for you to be able t vote now, polls show donald trump, the twice impeached and no indicted former presiden remains the front runner for the republican nomination. president biden s announcement video eludes to the former guy with images of the capitol insurrection
congressman james clyburn is co-chair of the south carolina joe biden reelection campaign. my pleasure joining us now is david plouffe, former senior adviser to president barack obama, he also an msnbc politica analyst. david, it s good to see you. i m grateful to congressma clyburn for dividing thing into threes. because for cable tv that really easy, it makes for good graphics i think congressman clybur makes a good argument. but there s something else going on here. there is a joe biden stuck at low approval rating. there is a donald trump, quite possibly, who seems ready to pick off all of his opponent in the primary and there is a lot of things that this administration has done that you and i are goin to talk about in ten years o 15 years as really meaningful, including this chips act including holding russia at ba in the ukraine war - but how does this play out for 2024 well, we are in a period of american history where prett much every presidentia
built a beautiful i make buses. you make models of buses? i make models of buses. what i make is i get old, i don t know, wooden crates. yeah. right? and then i paint them, and they have it s a box that s been used to contain two wine bottles, right? right. and it will have a dividing thing. yeah. and i turn it into a bus. i put passengers. you really want to know this? you re making boxes, you re making cardboard boxes. that s what you do to enjoy yourself. i paint the passengers enjoying themselves. okay. great. on the wonderful bus. nderful.
what do you do to switch off? i i i like to paint or i make things. i like to what do you make? i make i have a thing where i make models of a beautiful i make buses. you make models of buses? what i do, i don t mean models of buses. i get old i don t know, wooden crates. yeah. right. and then i paint them. and they have two it s a box that s been used to contain two wide bottles, right? right. and it will have a dividing thing. yeah. i turn it into a bus. so i put passengers. you really want to know this? you re making buses.
you can t just have one or two. what do you think of it? as a gear head yourself, what do you think of this idea? do you think it s a good idea or does it take away the beauty of driving a car? that s a question that all car lovers are asking right now. the answer is a little bit of both. if it becomes a heavy-handed system that steps in and takes control of the car from you all the time, obviously nobody wants that. i was in this buddy s mercedes and he has this device that tells you when the car in front of you is getting too close and it makes the steering wheel vibrate. right. if you go onto the liep of line of the dividing thing, it makes a different sound. that can be a good feature. a lot of people like those features. then do you start relying on it and start using your head?