when you talk about second or third hand information it is unlikely to change even the undecided. it is not direct. bill: democrats will say he did this and that and republicans will say the lethal aid was there more than the obama administration. left to decide for yourself. if mick mulvaney disregards a subpoena they can write up an article of obstruction. is that an individual article or a separate article of impeachment for every individual who defies a subpoena? the only game is to lump it onto the president. they would probably say the president s proxy, mr. mulvaney, has committed this crime with the president s full blessing. no reason to really target anybody else in a direct fashion. they have to shoot through him to get to the president. bill: be more specific. my question. if they do eventually take it to the full house is that a different article for every person who defies the request? or is that lumped into one charge do you believe? they could do it either way.
no, but so far from the department but when the secretary was on this show, i asked her about this very issue. there is this corinthian schools that went bankrupt, they faced a flood of investigations and lawsuits alleging fraud and basically, you have been collecting former students, having them pay and the judge has said that disregards my order. some of the servicers made mistakes, we have acknowledged the mistakes, we are fixing those. bret: when we come back, the final goodbye for maryland congressman elijah cummings. with this key to the city. [ applause ] it s an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ]
poorly in math. bret: what about home schooling? home schooling is a great option for many families. and with education freedom introduced, home coolers can be supported in pursuing their right fit for their children in a new and meaningful way. bret: we don t hear a ton about what you are doing. unless it is some controversy that there is this corinth schools that went bankrupt, they faced a flood of investigations and lawsuits alleging fraud and basically you have been collecting former students having them pay and the judge has said that disregards my order. some of the servicers made mistakes. we have acknowledged the mistakes. we are fixing those. we need to ensure that students know that there are a multitude of pathways to pursue their adult futures and to pursue great careers. this administration is committed to supporting and encouraging all of those. bret: obviously
side on that issue, but, listen it is also bigger than that. this is also a political battle between the president and arguably the bluest state in the country and between the president and governor gavin newsom. there are nearly 60 lawsuits that california has filed against the trump administration. newsom this morning quoted pa d paracleese and stating california s role as a leader in the global fight against global change and had this to say to the president. take a listen. we re winning. that s the frustration he s having. we are winning. he s losing, and we re winning because we have the law, science and facts on our side and not only the formal authority we have the moral authority and that is something missing in this white house. reporter: we have been getting reaction to the president this from from other quarters. the governor from washington says it shows callous disregards
red line drawn and then president obama decided that he was not going to do anything about it. you can t draw red lines in the sand. you just can t do it. the other was in ukraine having to do with a certain section of ukraine you know very well where it was sort of taken away from president obama. not taken away from president trump, taken away from president obama. keeping them honest, not even vladimir putin has put it that way and to make it perfectly clear, he didn t take crimea away from any u.s. president, he took it away from ukraine and penalized by the g 7 including the united states, those are simply facts which the president disregards in favor of the story he s telling the world. president obama was not happy that this happened because it was embarrassing to him, right? it was very embarrassing to him, and he wanted russia to be out of the, what was called the g 8. and that was his determination. he was out smarted by putin.