word grave, especially after what the fbi has been through, what do you take from that? this will literally slow down so many investigations. it will create a fisa application is the most reviewed packet that you would have done at the fbi. it goes through rigorous reviews before it even gets to the court. can you imagine being an fbi agent who s going forward with evidence, maybe multiple sources, particularly in a public corruption case, knowing that maybe three, four years down the road, some politicians is going to look into that application, pick out something they want for political purposes, and throw it out into the open public without any sort of context around it. it will really harm investigations around this country. people won t trust fisa as a tool. we ve already been going through this debate with the 702 provisions, fisa and additional clauses, it will do great damage both to the fbi as an institution and to the tools that they use. what happens to christopher wra
let s watch. we do not need a reckless president who believes she is above the law. if i, a guy who knows the business, did a tenth of what she did, i would be in jail today. despite evidence fruf u.s. intelligence, russia was meddling in our election. candidate trump continues to praise putin. here he is during a commander-in-chief forum. he has been a leader far more than our president has been a leader. november 8, donald trump its elected 48th president of the united states. and two days later, president barack obama hosts a sit down meeting with the president elect and warns him against hiring michael flynn as his national security adviser. on november 18, donald trump disregards president obama s warning and names michael flynn
irma went through. rob: the airport in puerto rico closed and they are about to be slammed via category 5. went to a category 4 but 5 miles shy of what it was. 155 mile-per-hour sustained winds, 2 miles short of a category 5. disregards the fact we are down because this is going to devastate puerto rico. you can see the i, the core of the winds coming onshore in eastern puerto rico, the virgin islands, overnight, feeling the wrath of a category 5 storm moving towards puerto rico, they will get the worst of the rain, the storm surge and the worst of the winds. you can see that i want the east coast of puerto rico, wind gusts 145 mph. this could potentially devastate puerto rico in the next 6 to 12
us who try to figure things out. he loves controversy. i want to go back to the last speaker. i mean, he wanted to be president. he doesn t want to act like the president. so, this is just a massive egotrip for him. it s always about distraction. he should be out on the board walk or something with kind of a three card game going on. distract from the russia investigation. i want to distract from north korea or whatever the last distraction is and that s all this is about. he is not trying to govern. he attacks his own, disregards his family members. it is stunning to me that we had that press conference at trump tower. there was no recognition of what those folks were saying, which i can t say and won t say. they were chanting down the street with torches.
vetted. here is what he said. people should remember no refugee can enter our borders until they undergo the highest security checks of anyone traveling to the united states. that was the case before paris, and it s the case now. charles, we are going to face a monumental fight i suppose in this building behind me. perhaps in the courts as well. look, the federal government has sent a letter to the governors saying cease and desist, essentially. this is illegal. you you have no right on the distribution of refugees. what i like about this is the way that this administration has shamelessly and this is what bob goodlot said earlier on the show shamelessly play tan tantly illegal sanctuary cities has the president issue a blatantly illegal to legalize 5 million illegal immigrants with complete disregards of the law. all of a sudden on this it wants to insist on the law. i happen to think that they probably are right as to how