less toleranceha of what went on with dave chappelle. one thing i wantnl about a minue left. we l spoke last time when you hd walked off goodd morningg britain, the number one morning show. now it s in the tanksh without youou. that should make you really proud. but we talked about meghan m markle and ofcom and mostt americans don t know what ofcom is, but i think they re goingty to know pretty soon. ho you ve heard about this department of homeland security proposalop of a ministry of truh or against disinformed. we re going to have h the government decide that how bad did it get in britainns because it might be a preview of coming attractions here? ri well, i just think to me the principle of having a government appointed body to regulate free speech is just wrong. and i think i never believed i in it here. i don t know why we to here, frankly, but we do. but in america particularly the first amendment, you get too tell me really the department of homeland security is going
illegal immigration. it was just s surreal. but the whole idea of c a ministry of truth, as i call it, or a government disinformation board isn t it? shouldn t be the other way around. shouldn t it be we the people keeping government accountable and who s going toru decide what s true and not true and how do you pickan somebody who s fully responsible for purveying this information to head up this ministry of truth that to me seemsms to be a question w that needs to be answered. and frankly, when you add the border component, i would argue that a strong tha case shd be made that he should be impeached from this job becauseth this has nothing to do with homeland security. but he s certainly incapable ofn securing the border. he could notly answer questionsc you re right. our first amendment says congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. we ve made no such lawve m. the president s job is to faithfully execute the law. there s no law to execute.
to dictate free speech. the american people, by the way, representing a democratic government right now with ac democrat president where in the last few years alone i ve watched as they settled the russian collusion nonsense. i ve watched the hunt by laptop scandal being suppressed and so on . that is that their idea of a free speech because it s the people who did that ? i m not going to dictate to the american people what free speech is. that s a really concerning fhani and it shouldn t be happening. the american people shouldnge be free to express themselves in any way they see fit. and if the government really is serious aboutabou this informat, look in your own backyard and stop peddling your own disinformation about what is in america applies herebr in britain and my message totu also regulate the government on some of the stuff they come outff with . all right, piers. love having you. thank you , sir. trizetto to both of us . comingng up, the homeland security secretary grilled