Judge Diane Gujarati of the Eastern District of New York partially granted a temporary injunction for the NLRB pursuant to Section 10j of the National Labor Relations Act against Amazon after it fired one of its workers for allegedly engaging in union related activities.
SCV Chamber To Hold Workshop For 2021 Employment Laws
The Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce (SCV Chamber) has the answers for new business and employment laws going into effect in 2021.
2021 Employment Law: The Road to Compliance
We can’t overstate the importance of being aware of new employment laws. When a business violates a law there can be devastating consequences for that business. It is crucial to be current on what California is requiring from our businesses to operate this year.
Doing business in California is a challenge, but understanding the rules and regulations, as well as the best practices to comply with those requirements, is an absolute necessity for any business leader to make fully informed decisions.
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California employers operate under the most comprehensive Labor Code and legal regime in the Nation. The past year has challenged employers with unprecedented compliance during a global pandemic, which has already led to an influx of employment litigation. In addition to managing remote work forces in an ever-evolving regulatory climate, employers in 2021 will also be required to comply with a substantial number of legislative additions taking effect in the New Year. Below is a highlighted discussion of new employment law provisions soon to take effect:
California Minimum Wage Increase – January 1, 2021: The Statewide minimum wage will increase to $13.00 for employers with