85 of the projected growth in spending over the next decade is driven by health care and retirement entitlements and interest on the debt. So thats where reforms need to target. To balance the budget before the end of the decade, we saw in the last house budget, it takes more than 5 trillion in cuts. That is assuming you start cutting right away. If you decide to cut in future years and not address spending next year, it takes bigger cuts to get to that ballpoint. So the sooner lawmakers can start cutting, the better. Where exactly should they start . Repealing obama care has to be their First Priority simply because 44 of the growth in sbiltsment spending is driven by the health care law. So if we are to rein in growing spending and debt obama care is where we need to start. This needs to be combined with reforms to Medicare Medicaid, and Social Security. During this process, lawmakers should be guided by focusing benefits on those individuals with the greatest need and delivering tho
Refineries have much more Greenhouse Gas emissions theyre much less efficient and less environmentally sound than our refineries in our country. What do you end up with . Much more Greenhouse Gas emissions because you didnt have the pipelines. And by the way tankers have to bring that petroleum from opec, russia, heavy crude from venezuela. Creates more Greenhouse Gas. So the net effect is you increase the environmental impacts by not allowing the pipeline. It increases. It doesnt reduce it it increases. Furthermore, canada is taking steps, and canada their laws in terms of Environmental Stewardship are tougher than ours, but they are continuing to work to move to whats called insitue development. Whats insitue development . Its developing using steam, which is the traditional way they produced oil. So its Greenhouse Gas, its very similar to drilling in the United States. And in fact its a lower foot print than the heavy crudes that come out of california. Very environmentallyconscious
Pipeline. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 3. A bill to improve the keystone x. L. Pipeline approve the keystone x. L. Pipeline. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 19 the bill is considered read, the bill shall be debatable for one hour, equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on transportation and infrastructure. And the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on energy and commerce. The gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Shuster, the gentleman from oregon, mr. Defazio, the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Wit field and the gentleman from new jersey whitfield, and the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Pallone, each control 15 minutes. Mr. Shuster thank you mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. Mr. Shuster i rise today to support h. R. 3, the keystone x. L. Pipeline act, and for
Outcome more amenable to their interests. And what we saw over the past year is the houthis first gaining control over an area. That got very little interest in the international media, the small militia. By the time they reached sanaa, they built things up from the grassroots. They were in a very strong bargaining position. The issue comes to the second point i made, which is people pulling back and working out a deal for themselves. When you reach the outskirts of sanaa the expectation was that the coalition of forces would bring themselves to the front and work out a deal. Instead, fighting broke out and we saw the houthis working to make sure that this fits this coalition of conservative forces. That they no longer pose a threat to them in the long return. They were so successful that they ended up taking over sanaa. What we have seen since then is this issue for them of being in the strongest possible bargaining position and not really needing to Pay Attention to the outcomes of t
Than make up some of our states. We admit a new state with legal immigrants every year. At a time of huge budget deficits and severe financial constraints, we have no idea of how these huge costs will be borne. We just do it want. We admit the equivalent of a major city without any assessment of whether these newcomers are likely to be contributing members of our society. Only a tiny fraction of those admitted each year enter because they have skills and abilities that will benefit our country. They come merely because they happen to be relatives of other recent immigrants. The result of this socalled policy that there is now a backlog of almost 3 1 2 Million People, the population of a city city, who have a claim to emigrate to the United States for no other reason but they are somebodys relative. Is this really a way to run immigration policy . If making it easy to be an illegal alien is not enough how about offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant . No sane country would do