/PRNewswire/ ZERO TO THREE, the nation s leading early childhood development nonprofit dedicated to ensuring all babies and toddlers have a strong start in.
Terrorism & Disaster Coalition for Child & Family Resilience – Gulf Coast Coalition
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center received funding to establish the National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative – Category II Treatment and Service Adaptation Center. The Center, funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration established the Terrorism and Disaster Coalition for Child and Family Resilience program. The first project of the program was the Gulf Coast Coalition, established in 2017, comprised of representatives from state agencies in the states along the Gulf of Mexico: Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. Subsequently, the Northeast Coalition was established (Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York). The final coalitions to be established will be the Midwestern U.S. Coalition and the West Coast Coalition.