Indias largest casino chain Delta Corp has been issued an intimation by the Directorate General of GST Intelligence, Hyderabad alleging tax liability of Rs 11,139 crore along with interest and penalty for the period from July 2017 to March 2022. If the dues remain unpaid it will be served with a show-cause notice, the company said in a stock exchange filing on Friday.
The Show Cause Notice (SCN) alleges a tax liability of Rs 273.44 crore under Section 74(1) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, , ICICI Lombard General Insurance Limited, Directorate General of GST Intelligence, showcause notice
"The matter largely relates to an industry-wide issue on applicability of GST on salvage adjusted and ineligible input tax credit, on motor claims settled. The company has deposited Rs 104,13,18,970 under protest, without accepting any liability in this regard," it said.