01/10/2021 - The Bif&st masterclass leader and director of Annette, which won Best Direction in Cannes, speaks about his project’s lengthy gestation, his actors and his specific work approach
01/10/2021 - The Bif&st masterclass leader and director of Annette, which won Best Direction in Cannes, speaks about his project’s lengthy gestation, his actors and his specific work approach
01/10/2021 - The Bif&st masterclass leader and director of Annette, which won Best Direction in Cannes, speaks about his project’s lengthy gestation, his actors and his specific work approach
The two films today incorporate Music, but in strange and unusual ways. The Cannes film Annette is an outright musical, but nothing like what you’d expect. While Reminiscence is a futuristic drama, with one man pining for a mysterious chanteuse.
Annette (Amazon Prime) - French movie Director