Certify the results. Certify the results. Certify the results. Martha so when pressed by a reporter over whether he would seek to overturn the electors if the canvas board dead locks shirky deflected and sound a hymn about time surrendering and clinging to the old rugged cross. Watch this. Time surrender no more. I will cling to the old rugged cross. What are you meeting with President Trump about. Martha like so many states, michigan is up against the deadline now to certify the election and the president claims that voter fraud should force a different outcome there. Monica palmer and William Hartmann denied the certification in wayne county based on out of balance vote tallies. They were then verbally abused and called racist in a public forum on zoom. I hope that the both of you go home tonight and read up on systemic racism. Shame on you. Shame on you for leading to this level of corruption. You ought to be ashamed of yourself and know that what you are doing here today is on the
The Prime Minister out there every day with a press conference making sure that message is getting through because that is the most crucial thing. It comes as the government says a symptomatic testing in the uk is set to be made available across england this week and tens of thousands of people over the age of 80 have been invited to book vaccines. Rescue teams in indonesia have located the black box flight recorders for the boeing passenger plane that crashed into the sea shortly after takeoff. 62 people were on board. President trump will face impeachment proceedings this week accused of inciting the storming of congress. And at 2 30, its hardtalk. Stephen sackur speaks to british epidemiologist professor neil ferguson, whose early modelling of covid 19 made him an influential advocate of the lockdown strategy. Most lockdown measures, social distancing could be effective as we have seen in italy and china. They only work for as long as they are enforced and so if you relax those meas
With the government saying that they can vaccinate all they have supplies for 2 million vaccinations per week it is entirely possible to vaccinate bee health and Care Workforce within the next two or three weeks, and thatis the next two or three weeks, and that is what we are calling for. The next two or three weeks, and that is what we are calling for. Rescue teams in indonesia have located the black box flight recorders for the boeing passenger plane that crashed into the sea shortly after takeoff. 62 people were on board. And in half an hour. We take a look at the new technology that is allowing archaeologists to explore hundreds of mayan structures that lie hidden beneath the amazon in guatemalas lost world. Good afternoon. The Health Secretary has warned that every time people stretch the lockdown rules it could be fatal and hes urged everyone to follow government restrictions to help stop the spread of coronavirus. Matt hancock said the nhs was under serious pressure and could so
The home secretary priti patel has also defended the way police have good afternoon. Handed out fines during lockdown, the Health Secretary has warned that saying the high number of cases and deaths means there is a need every time people stretch for strong enforcement. The lockdown rules it could be fatal and hes urged everyone im joined now by professor susan to follow government michie Health Psychologist restrictions to help stop at University College london, the spread of coronavirus. And a member of spi b, matt hancock said that the behavioural the government is on track to meet its target of vaccinating Advisory Group of sage. All Vulnerable People by mid february. Tens of thousands of people in england aged over 80 many thanks for joining are being invited to book many thanks forjoining us. Just in terms of compliance, when you look an appointment at one of seven mass at the latest figures and surveys, vaccination centres. But doctors say that more needs to be done to make sure
The region and policy. While i have decided to take this opportunity to also appreciate the outgoing secretary of state, the inimitable mrs. Clinton has been an ally and partner uncertainly viewed very well in pakistan as the most important and powerful diplomat representing the United States views abroad. We welcome john kerry because pakistan has john kerry as the architect one of the architects of the Kerry Lugar Berman legislation, which has been instrumental in broad basing this relationship and anchoring it and we hope they longer and more sustainable multifaceted relationship. We also know its not a relation as well as political parties. We work and we hope to work with every senior policymaker in the United States as well as congress and of course senator kerry has emerged from those ranks. So we look forward to working with them and i dont think we need to speak to anyone. He has pretty much spelled his policy agenda and im sure he has a great deal to address as he takes this