Uzbekistan s ambassador to India Dilshod Akhatov said on Tuesday that constitutions of 190 countries, including that of India, were studied to bring in holistic and comprehensive changes to the Constitution of the country.
Uzbekistan's ambassador, Dilshod Akhatov has announced that his country will undertake a referendum on April 30 on the new constitution which will be "much more comprehensive, much more practical and human-centric". To achieve this, the country's Constitutional Commission has studied over 400 international documents and the constitutions of more than 190 countries, including India.
The Embassy of Uzbekistan in Delhi on Tuesday gave details of the referendum in Uzbekistan on April 30 to reform the Constitution, update basic laws in the country and explained their significance.
Uzbekistan's ambassador to India Dilshod Akhatov said constitutions of 190 countries including that of India were studied to bring in holistic and comprehensive changes to the Constitution of the country.