Titan ascribed a valuation of Rs 17,000 crore to the omnichannel retailer, an over 30-fold jump in seven years when it first invested in the Chennai-based company.
Happy Monday! Mithun Sacheti hit it big on Saturday when he sold his 27% stake in online jewellery marketplace CaratLane to Titan. The Rs 4,621 crore deal is among the largest for any Indian consumer internet company. Hear all about it from Sacheti himself in todays super packed edition of the ETtech Morning Dispatch.
Caratlane: Watchmaker Titan ascribed a valuation of Rs 17,000 crore to the omnichannel retailer, an over 30-fold jump from when it first invested in the Chennai-based company seven years ago.
It s been exactly a year since Rajeev Misra stepped back as the top boss of Japanese multi-billion dollar conglomerate SoftBanks tech-focussed Vision Fund. ETtechs Samidha Sharma and Digbijay Mishra caught up with Misra to talk about his new fund One IM. This and more in todays ETtech Morning Dispatch.
In their ₹1 crore defamation suit filed against Sequoia Capital and various media outlets and journalists, Algo Legal and Sandeep Kapoor have claimed that false news items resulted in the exit of three partners.