Multinational law firm Pinsent Masons has hired Gonzalo Gil Suarez in Madrid to lead the firm's tax law practice in Spain. With extensive experience in strategic.
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Reading and Tweeting Are Not Enough, but Neither Is Protesting
Sustaining white antiracism requires real cross-racial connection and relationship.
Don’t worry. This will not be yet another essay lamenting the sometimes performative nature of white antiracist activism since the killing of George Floyd. First, we already have enough of those, most of which amount to the woke-scolding of racial justice newcomers by those who think making folks feel shitty for an admittedly simplistic Instagram post will help grow the movement. Hint: It won’t. Neither will insisting that white outrage now is meaningless because it didn’t emerge in sufficient amplitude five or 10 or 20 or 400 years ago. However justifiable that frustration it is entirely so, and I share it such sentimen
Boogie Each generation has a defining high school basketball picture to call its own (
One on One, Love and Basketball, Above the Rim, etc.). The dialogue may coarsen, the off-court violence intensify, and the ethnicity of its lead may fluctuate over time, but the events outlined in the narrative basically remain the same, right down to the differing parents, compulsory teen love angle, and/or championship games that closes each picture. Not having seen the poster, at what point do we know this is a coming of age story? Just before Boogie’s (Taylor Takahashi) English teacher assigns
Catcher in the Rye, he informs his class that each student is currently inhabiting their own coming-of-age story. But as far as temperamental Boogie and his contemporaries can tell, Asians are second-class citizens living in a country steeped in resentment. He seconds the rancor of his parent’s generation: his people have earned their place in the kitchen or behind an accountant’s desk, but whe
New tool enables study of SARS-CoV-2 mutant spectrum by ultrasequencing
SARS-CoV-2 genome is three times larger than influenza genome. Both consist of NRA molecules that mutate when replicate. It is essential to know its mutant spectrum, in other words, its fingerprints , to achieve an appropriate treatment that reduces its infectivity -the capacity of pathogens to invade organisms and cause infections-, since its composition of variants could determine how infection would develop in each patient.
Researchers of the University of Malaga (UMA) will be able to examine the depth of these spectra by genetic ultrasequencing techniques thanks to the innovative system they have designed: QuasiFlow , a tool that enables the analysis of variants present in each patient individually.