irs. and with less than two yearsd tl to go until the twenty twenty four election, democrats are once again shockingle y playing the race card. this time, they re trying to vilify the entire sunshine. state of florida. but first tonight, all eyes areh on the biden white house where joe is still refusing to come ta to terms on a debt ceiling that is , well, pretty imminent.t ist according to democrats, the sky. is falling. the american economyaccordin, the world s economy is about to collapse. and it s all kevin mccarthy s fault. when in fact, it s anything but kevin mccarthy s fault. so why didn t democrats care so deeply about this issue? over. one hundred days ago whens speaker mccarthy was all but begging the white house, you know, weekly, monthly, dayy after da y to sit down and negotiate this? take a look. we have to negotiatek. overtiat. the debt. our whole government is designed to have compromise. our governrepublican control. the house democrats have a small majo
i d say it s probably time ob forably t it to go if they re abusinggo that power. if yeah, t you listen over a quarter million times over a two year period abuse this fisa authority, section seven or two . and sean, if you remember the first story that i didt stoy on your show, unraveling russia, collusion was in march 2017. it was about the same tool being abused back home. and here we are. six years later, the fbi has only augmented the amount of abuses. there s been no corrective action by the department that actually has an effect. they say they take corrective ct action, but the problems keep getting worse.action and congress hasn t really done anything to punish the fbi. miranda s right. i think there s no there is noos reason to be deterred becausone they never really get punished. the only way they re goingpuni to get punished right now is isf someone takes a big chunk of their budget to get their attention. miranda reading the new york post, your paper today. b i really enjo