maybe if we hold his hand and help him turn that corner he ll be able to do that. today, i m going to make him a ward of a court in order that he placed appropriately. i will set his matter for review in three months in any event. as it results to kentrell, i think this is a young man that probably the juvenile court system was designed for in some respects. i couldn t let him walk away from us without trying to get him to a point where he s at least literate and can function in some type of a job. today the court is going to make him a ward of the court in order that he be placed at idtc, the indiana developmental training center in indianapolis. all right. then this hearing is adjourned. thank you. man, they don t care about us, man. that is [ bleep ]. this is [ bleep ]. i can t do it, man. ain t going to know state, man.
these kids learn their lesson and never have to face a judge who s worried about how long do we lock this kid up for. i m just going to pick myself back up. that s it. that s all i can do. i don t mean to cry but you know i m just hurt right now. that s okay. this is not a place you want to be. like i said, our job is to get you out. the more stuff you can focus on of the reasons why you shouldn t be in here and you should be out taking care of your child, those are the things that we re going to want the court to hear about tomorrow. rod, you ve convinced me that you re certainly on the right track with things. now our job is to convince the judge tomorrow. you do need some help with your anger. i don t think you re crazy but i think something inside is bothering you. what you think?
judge, you have this prosecutor. that s a lot of big people to go against when you re just by yourself. you sleep in here you always think about what s going to happen in court. like, what they going to say, what they going to do to you, if they going to detain you or if they going to release you. i can t be doing this. i m 18 years old. i ve got a lot of years to live. and if i keep messing around with this i m going to end up dead or in jail. i know, kenneth, that you want to leave. i would like to give you a break here. in light of this is your sixth referral to this court, four in the year of 2008. my constipation and belly pain
you think about what s going to happen in court. like, what they going to say, what they going to do to you. luckily for 17-year-old kenneth and his 14-year-old brother kentrell, who is also here at lake county juvenile, they are not alone in their desire to be released and sent home. attorney don ruck represents children in court. the perception or misperception of juvenile court is it s similar to the adult court. the reality is the system is much more concerned about getting kids rehabilitated and giving them an opportunity to not having this happen again as opposed to just locking somebody up. one of the challenges that we re going to have is convincing the court and the judge, in particular, that despite you having been here before and lot learned your lesson that you re going to learn your lesson this time and not get into trouble again. kentrell, help me understand some of the things going on in your life that help demonstrate that. i m playing ball. where do you play ba
significant mental health needs. my problem with kenneth is that he s committed numerous acts of delinquency. that s what indiana boy school is meant to address. then you factor in that he s had counseling provided to him, and he hasn t been terribly amenable to the counseling. he has a track record and the track record isn t very good at this point. you know, it s a serious matter for this court to decide that it s going to invest itself in a child to the extent that this county and this court is being asked to invest themselves in kenneth, and i don t see that there s going to be a lot of bang for our buck, to be perfectly honest. i think he s a dangerous person. i think he should be committed to indiana boys school. well, i would agree that i