maybe if we hold his hand and help him turn that corner he'll be able to do that. today, i'm going to make him a ward of a court in order that he placed appropriately. i will set his matter for review in three months in any event. as it results to kentrell, i think this is a young man that probably the juvenile court system was designed for in some respects. i couldn't let him walk away from us without trying to get him to a point where he's at least literate and can function in some type of a job. today the court is going to make him a ward of the court in order that he be placed at idtc, the indiana developmental training center in indianapolis. all right. then this hearing is adjourned. thank you. >> man, they don't care about us, man. that is [ bleep ]. this is [ bleep ]. i can't do it, man. ain't going to know state, man.