senator mccarthy of new hampshire. he was with bobby kennedy when he died. he was everywhere there. he wouldn t open these boxes. i knew there was great stuff them. because he was so sad at the way the decade had ended. martin luther king killed, he was with bobby kennedy when he died. and the riots in the streets and the violence in the antiwar movement finally, he comes down the stairs, it s time, it s time, it s now or never. if i have any wisdom to dispense. we spent the last last years of our lives relieving the 60s. we started with kennedy and went to the end of the decade together. at one point he did show me something out of the boxes. we were talking about the war and lyndon johnson and he went and got an old speech that he had written for linda johnson prior to his departure and he had notations on the side indicating he didn t know which way johnson will go on the war. but we now know. what was dick s mood then that