is there a point in which that s too much or are all these ads cumulative effective? well, i think we don t know exactly what the effect of an advertisement is but we probably know it s not negative. and these campaigns are, as your reporter said, are throwing everything they have at it. and advertising can matter at the margin. and florida is certainly a place where we know about marginal reports. 537 votes for al gore in 2,000. these candidates are trying to throw every single thing they have and leaving nothing on the table. you don t want to save any money because they got to win in florida. all right. let s show you a couple ads and get your take on them. this is a new attack ad by a pro-romney super pac slamming gingrich for connecting himself to ronald reagan. i worked with president ronald reagan. ronald reagan. president reagan. reagan. gingrich exaggerating dropping reagans name 50 times. but in his diaries reagan mentioned gingrich only once. ry again criticized gi