talks to workers in another swing state, nevada. also happens to be the state with the worst unemployment rate in the nation. 12.6%. he s expected to highlight some of those same themes he touched on in two stops yesterday and in the state of the union. if a company wants to do business overseas, of course it s their right. but we shouldn t subsidize it. what we should do are subsidize and help and give tax breaks to companies that are investing here, that bring jobs back from overseas. i want to bring in nbc news political analyst, former senator harold. is this the message? i think it s the beginning of a pretty compelling narrative. i think the president laid out clearly the other night the investment that the country, many taxpayers, made in the auto industry is paying off. gm, ford, who didn t take money
tycoon gives tens of millions to pro-israel groups and candidates. $5 million to pro-gingrich super pac early in january and $5 million from his wife this week. he says he knows he s getting a profit-israel candidate. in 2008 adelson spent $30 million. wow. richard, fascinating stuff. wall street journal political reporter has been digging into the relationship between gingrich and the adelson family. good morning. good morning. it isn t a stretch to say without sheldon adelson gingrich might be sit to think sideline watching from his living room. he s been kept on life support by sheldon adelson. normally in the course of a presidential election you would see a candidate with weaknesses fall by the wayside, candidate that had no money. newt in 2011 was making was pulling together between him and his super pac 10% to 20% of romney s haul. but the two gifts by mr.
and i cannot turn it off. i can t turn it off. i m supposed to be at jansing and company, that s what it is. thanks, guys. speaking of money, estimated worth is around $21 billion and he and his wife has almost singlehandedly kept newt gingrich s campaign alive. what do they want in return? we have detail on that. meanwhile, son of the transportation secretary ray lahood has trouble returning to the u.s. from see jipt. sam lahood was with a group of americans trying to board a fright out of the country when they were stopped. he heads the international republican institute in egypt which was raided along with nine other organizations last month. the state department says this raises concerns about egypt s raises concerns about egypt s transition to democracy. ake baby food the way moms would. happybaby strives to make the best organic baby food. in a business like ours, personal connections are so important. we use our american express open gold card to further those connection
adelson, $10 million in one month that we are aware of, we ve been told there is much more to come from him and some of mr. adelson s friends and that has kept newt long enough alive to basically wait for the front runner to start to have problems. do we know if it s not just him who is getting money but i don t want to call him a bundler but getting his wealthy friends to give as well? we ve heard that actually in the last couple of weeks because this normally would have been a confidential gift because it went to a super pac that doesn t have to disclose its donors yet. normally this would have been confidential. mr. adelson prefers not to have his money giving known. but we ve been told that some of mr. adelson s friends, now that he s let his name go out there, are starting to come on board to help mr. gingrich. $10 million just for starters in a month. and that s by any stretch, even when you re a billionaire, a significant amount of money.
ad in florida is going after mitt romney s record on health care. when mitt romney invented government-run health care romney advisers helped barack obama write the disastrous obamacare. we put them together in exchange and the president is copying that idea. i m glad to hear that. i agree with mitt romney. recently said he s proud of what he accomplished on health care. now, that ad and to a larger extent gingrich s candidacy is possible thanks to billionaire casino goingle. in the past month alone he and his wife has pumped $10 million into the pro-gingrich super pac. richard louie is here with a closer look at the benefactor. you ve got to have a lot of money just to give $5 million, another $5 million, richard. and he does. good morning to you, chris. he s the son of an immigrant cab driver and the country s eighth wealthiest, according to forbes, worth over $21 million. just behind the coke brothers his big break, selling computer trade showcom ducts and high end