to get a hair cut or a shave, [ bleep ] none of that. i ve been back here just slumming it, you know. this is the downside of prison, you know what i mean? violence happens. what do you expect? you throw a bunch of violent offenders together and you expect us not to clash? at the end of the day, you better pray you re the one left standing and not hurt. as authorities continue to investigate the stolen tv, wright has petitioned to be placed back into his original housing unit. i don t know at this point what s going to be allowed to happen with wright, i don t know if he ll be allowed to return to p-house because of all the animosity he caused himself toward himself that night because of his tv. so i m sure we ll be evaluating his housing assignment. while authorities determine a safe housing placement for wright, he will remain in confinement. i don t like it, but i m adapting. i got to make it work, you know what i mean? these people place you in all kinds of situations to tr
know what i mean, may get harassed by the police, but when you grow up around that, it becomes normal. you get accustomed to it, and some may make it out of the neighborhood, if you can see an alternative lifestyle. but a lot of people get consumed in a lifestyle that leads to prison or death. the streets don t give you too many bright endings, man. i ran the streets, man. i did the street life. i m in here washing clothes by hand and eating bull [ bleep ] chips like that. on the street i wear my white t-shirtar one time and throw it away. buy a new one. here i m washing the same damn shirt. you make do with what you ve got in prison, you know? the things you think you ll never do out on the street is like a luxury in here. this is everything, your kitchen, your bathroom, your laundry room, your bedroom, all in one cell. and you share it with another person. another bro-man who farts and pisses and whatever else he does, you know, you re stuck in
wright s aggressive behavior soon created problems with other inmates. i m not looking for trouble, but at the same time, i m definitely not ducking them either. you feel me? you know, this is the penitentiary. you ve got to stand tall, ten toes down. you know what i mean? you can t take no losses. you know what i mean? it s the wrong place to be a bitch. you feeling me? it s the pressure. you feeling me? you get killed for stealing on the streets, so why not in prison? as wright continued his tirade, staff became concerned it would lead to a fight and sanctioned wright for taking matters into his own hands. he was transferred to administrative segregation in the custody control unit or ccu. welcome to the belly of the beast, man. [ bleep ]. i hate lockup. [ bleep ] back here, for real, for real. just make your time hard. all you do is think. ain t no books in this bitch, nothing. when you re in ccu, you don t get really nothing but a bar of soap, some toothpaste, a pair of sho
davis s 30-year sentence is for dealing cocaine. harris has ten years for theft and burglary, but he s been crossing racial lines long before prison. you know, you have, you know, your white organizations and then you have your black organizations, and then you have, like me, i m a white organization that s affiliated with a black organization. it says white boy from the hood. that is where i m from. i can t never change where i m from. i can change where i m going in life, but not where i m from. my nickname is i.g. i m an insane gangster. you know, they call me i.g. been calling me that for probably about ten years now. i mean, we have black members in the insane, but more white than black. it s more white people. we re g.d.s are more our black branch, you know, right there, as far as we are. we re just a branch off of them. brothers with a struggle, you