Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. New Delhi District police busted the NEET (National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test) paper-solving gang. The police on Saturday also arrested four people in this case, including two MBBS students. Devesh Kumar Mahla (DCP New Delhi), while speaking with ANI, informed that they had received a complaint of proxy students appearing for the medical entrance test. He said, "On May 5, during the examination of NEET, we received a complaint that instead of real students, proxy students have come to give the exam. Taking cognizance of the matter, we registered an FIR." India News | Delhi Police Busts NEET Paper-solving Gang, Arrests Four.
Devesh Kumar Mahla, DCP of New Delhi, informed ANI that they received a complaint regarding proxy students appearing for the medical entrance test during the NEET examination on May 5. Acting promptly, an FIR was registered, and the case was transferred to the Special Staff. - Newsx
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