Host guest thank you, greta. Host the house is about to gavel and. In. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] he speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. February 27, 2020. I heeby appoint the honorable pro tempore on this day. Signed, nancy pelosi, speake o the house of repsentatives. The speaker pro tempoe pursuant to thorder of the house of january 7, 2020, the chair will now recognize the majorit and minority ed by eaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alernate between the parties and each member other than the majority and minority leaders an minutes. Ut in no event shall debate continue beyond 11 50 a. M. The chair now recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, thank you, mr. Fe minutes. Speaker. Highlight the importance of our Nations National heritae t
The subcommittee will come to order. Good morning, secretary devos. Welcome this morning. Welcome to the subcommittee. This is our second budget hear ing of the year. Today as i was reviewing the budget materials, madam secretary, this much was clear to me. I believe and ive had this conversation before with you, i believe for our student and our country. Instead we need to expand things like childhood education that we know helps students to succeed. We see this in other countries around the globe. They are not shrinking public support but, in fact, are expanding it. Ill get more into the consequences of the cuts you are proposing. But i want to start by examining your privatization philosophy. The full premise on which it is built and the research that it ignores. Contrary to your claims, the nations Public Education system which 90 of our children attend has witnessed significant progress for all groups of students over the last 30 years. Average mathematic scores have improved for
Cspan is covering this event. I would like thats the reason im starting on time because we have a few more people coming in and a difficult afternoon at the present building and we will welcome them when they get here but i would like to ask for your cooperation in terms of turning your phones off to make sure that the ringing does not get broadcast to the whole cspan audience worldwide and to avoid as much as possible walking walking in front of the cameras. It does not look good for people in the middle of that conversation going back and forth. Also, id like to announce that for those of you who are new at the arab center usually our question and answers are done in writing so anytime you have a question feel free to write down your name and identify yourself and write your questions when you are ready, raise your hand that would collect them and pass them on to the chair of the panel and then your question will be read and addressed, if you wanted addressed to a specific family, pl
That is the reason i am starting on time, because i know a few more people coming in on a difficult afternoon in the press building. We will welcome them when they get here. Ask foruld just like to your cooperation in terms of turning your phones off to make sure the ringing does not get broadcast to the whole cspan audience worldwide, and to avoid as much as possible walking in front of the cameras, it doesnt look good for people in the middle of conversation, kind of going backandforth across from the camera view. I also would like to announce that for those of you who are center, usually, our questions and answers are done in writing. So anytime you have a question, feel free to write down your yourselfntify and write your question. Staff will collect those, pass them on to the chair of the panel and then your will be addressed to the specific panelists indicated. Then we say a couple of words quickly about the chairman of the panel and the subject matter a little bit, then turn it
Building, we will welcome them when they get here, but i would just like to ask for your cooperation in terms of turning your phones off to make sure the ringing does not get broadcast to the cspan audience worldwide. Possibleoid as much as walking in front of the cameras it doesnt look good, for people in the middle of the conversation, kind of going back and forth across from the camera view. Also, i would like to announce that for those of you who are new, at the arab center, usually our questions and answers are done in writing, every 10 we have a question, feel free to write down your name, identify yourself and write your question. When you are ready, just raise your hand and staff full collect those and pass them onto the then yourhe panel question will be read and. Ddressed if you want it addressed to a specific analyst, please indicate that. Let me just say a couple of words quickly about the chairman of the panel, and then just the subject matter, then turn it over to them. I