Nearly 99% of bicycles in the world are made in Asia, and bringing bike manufacturing back to the United States is no small feat for American companies.
Nearly 99% of bicycles in the world are made in Asia, and bringing bike manufacturing back to the United States is no small feat for American companies.
Jay Jurma Venus Bronze Works Giorgio Gikas, center, puts the finishing touches on Detroit s long-awaited RoboCop statue, with help from assistant Nadine Chronopoulos. Now the statue just needs a home. In the spring of 2011, Brandon Walley and Jerry Paffendorf were hard at work in Corktown. Starting with two long-vacant houses near Michigan Central Station, their group, Imagination Station, had dedicated itself to commissioning local public art projects. They d already helped make a few attention-getting pieces a reality, such as the Hygienic Dress League sign that once graced on the Roosevelt Hotel with solar-powered neon seagulls, or Monumental Kitty, Jerome Feretti s brick-and-mortar sculpture near the old Tiger Stadium site.