Detox Juice Bar & Kebab Grill offers pickup and delivery on Staten Island | Yes, They’re Open
Updated Apr 23, 2021;
Posted Apr 23, 2021
Kebab Grill Detox Juice Bar offers pickup and delivery during the pandemic. Pictured is the restaurant on April 23, 2021. (Staten Island Advance/ Victoria Priola)
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STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. “Yes, They’re Open” is a web series highlighting local bars and restaurants that are open for takeout, delivery, pickup or dining during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Live streams from the featured restaurants are broadcast on the Advance Facebook page every weekday around 3 p.m.
On Friday, the Advance/ visited Detox Juice Bar & Kebab Grill at 1612 Forest Ave., which is open for pickup, delivery and limited indoor dining from 10:30 a.m. to 9:15 p.m. daily.