In Murfreesboro, police continue to investigate the serial criminal dubbed the “Rock Burglar,” who is accused of breaking into more than 30-businesses. Meanwhile in Nashville, a case that had similar characteristics is coming to a close and inching its way towards the judicial system. However, one shining difference in the Metro case is that the suspects allegedly used a sledgehammer instead of a rock to gain entry into a large number of businesses, which is why the suspects w .
(Murfreesboro, Tenn.) Rutherford County CrimeStoppers is offering up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest of a serial ‘Rock Burglar.’ The so-called rock burglar broke into two more local businesses this week and police now suspect the same subject may be responsible for up to 36 burglaries in the Murfreesboro area. On Tuesday, May 10, an individual smashed the front glass door of the Subway, 2933 Medical Center Pkwy. The burglar jumped the counter and empt .