Grandma settles back into the dining room chair and the identical twin 5-year-old girls, Kiyah and Kiara, climb onto her lap, whisper requests into her.
There are many Pink Floyd themed-bands in existence today – some as full-on tributes who try to replicate Floyd live shows authentically, others more loosely inspired by the psychedelic and conceptual scope of PF’s groundbreaking music.
Sometimes when musicians combine different musical genres, it can be a case of worlds colliding, with collateral damage thrown about. And then, in cases such as veteran rock guitarist Jeff Pevar and his current band The Gilmour Project, multiple influences come together in a harmonic convergence that creates deep, new electrical reactions, with many good vibes but no debris left to clean up.
bodies discovered so far. some people trying to make it appear that the police department has not done all that it could or should have done in these cases. the police department feels that these parents are not exactly discharging their own responsibility so far as as raising and disciplining their children. these shocking murders finally focused national attention on a major problem that of runaway children and what can happen to them. the children that run away from home today are not the children that we had running away in the 60s. in the 60s we had what we called then flower children and they ran away basically for socio-political reasons. today children are running from a situation rather than to a situation. kids were disappearing and the police would say, well, they probably ran away. it was to the, the demise of many who, in fact, were picked up by sexual sadists like john wayne gacy. in des plains, illinois near chicago, a man who served time in prison for
Charges have been upgraded to murder against a woman accused of pushing her 3-year-old nephew into Lake Michigan off Chicago's Navy Pier. The toddler died days later.