How one of rock’s greatest studio albums came together onstage, and what David Gilmour used to craft some of the most sought-after guitar tones in music history
Sometimes when musicians combine different musical genres, it can be a case of worlds colliding, with collateral damage thrown about. And then, in cases such as veteran rock guitarist Jeff Pevar and his current band The Gilmour Project, multiple influences come together in a harmonic convergence that creates deep, new electrical reactions, with many good vibes but no debris left to clean up.
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin
To me Bohemian Rhapsody has not aged gracefully. It’s starting to sound a bit dated and corny. Would never say that about stairway to heaven
Definitely Led Zeppelin s best song. There should be more Zeppelin on the list though. Everything is great about it. John Paul Jones s keyboard playing is beautiful. Jimmy Page made the guitar sound amazing, the way he took the slow beginning and turned it into a waling solo and outro. John Bonham s drums make my heart stop. Robert Plant s vocals are probably the best ever. It s the song to end all songs. The best song in existence. Perfect in every way. They couldn t ever possibly make it any better because it is already a perfect song. And that s all I have to say about that.