slept. tragedy also reached a movie set in new mexico where alec baldwin fired a live round killing the film s cinematography. some of last year s biggest stories led to this year s biggest triumphs. we the jury in the above entitled matter as to count one, unintentional second-degree murder while committing a felony find the defendant guilty. reporter: a jury found former minneapolis police officer derrick chauvin guilty of murdering george floyd, a verdict celebrated outside the courthouses and beyond. in georgia, three white men were convicted of murdering ahmaud arbery. rittenhouse not guilty. reporter: the wisconsin teenager was found not guilty on charges after shooting three men during protests last year. exasser baiting the growing political chasm in america in a year already filled with pointed
they were meant to do with their department of justice civil rights division. bottom line, ben, does the justice department here in washington need to be more aggressive in pursuing hate crimes prosecutions? well, that has always been our request but i have to give this department of justice administration under biden, they have charged more civil rights hate crime cases than i ve seen in my career. you know, in minneapolis right now, you have the civil rights trial going against the three officers who were responsible for helping derrick chauvin kill george floyd. that trial was going on, and that was brought by department of justice. i haven t seen that in years past they would bring these cases. good point.
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