Sensitive to this and attuned to it in part because of a very important book that was written in the 70s by ed said. Said was a palestinian and activist but also a distinguished professor of english at Columbia University and also a music critic for international publications. His book which was called orientalism, if he didnt coin the word, certainly made is significant so that no one could use the word oriental because it has a kind of negative connotation to it. It is a sense what said argued was that this is is a perception of the easterner that came from imperialistic colonial powers in the 19th century that den gated denigrated, a few years ago there was another book written called occidentallism, which was designed to show the other side of it, that is how easterners, particularly people from islam, muslims, how they depict the westerner, how they depict the Christian Society on the whole similar negative stereotypes and similar type casting so that we are embroiled in this kind
As the planes fly overhead in Seattle’s South Park neighborhood, they are a constant reminder of the impact air pollution can cause to someone’s health.
As the planes fly overhead in Seattle’s South Park neighborhood, they are a constant reminder of the impact air pollution can cause to someone’s health.