in 1992, addis emerged from the stifling 17-year grip of a maoist regime called the derg. since then, the town has been enjoying something of a musical renaissance. but the story of ethiopian music all the way back to the beginning has been about finding ways to skirt authority, to mock it even. to say what you want to say one way or the other. azmari, ethiopia s original freestyle rappers, have been around for centuries voicing criticism, dissatisfaction, dissent, even when others could not. how old?
my dad was my hero and everyone s hero, i don t mean everyone, but my brother could explain a little bit more. he was a local chief, and also a member of the supreme or the highest court, you can say. during a period, he was engaged in more innovative and experimental and mechanicized farm. during the communist period, something unexpected happened. in 1974, emperor salasi was deposed in the very unpleasant general and hardline communist regime called the derg, took over the country. as in china, all agricultural property was taken over by the state and broken up into small parcels. everything what my father had, the land, the property, is
he said derg dal felt luke he knew more than his superiors and more qualified than his fellow soldiers. he felt things were going terribly wrong at growth outpost concerned for fellow soldiers. he felt he needed to run away 19 miles to get back to the main base to warn people, to warn his superiors there. what is your reaction to that? first i find that testimony from bergdahl a bit hard to believe. anyone who spent a day in afghanistan knows that you are not going to walk 19 miles to anywhere through some of the most god awful mountainous terrain. he further testified that bergdahl wanted to purposely create a search for him so that it created some kind of pr event that would then get the attention of the generals out in afghanistan at the time. as you mentioned, i took command the day that bergdahl walked off his base. i can tell you without a doubt that men and women were harmed, that they were killed and injured, looking for sergeant bergdahl.
very confirmed deserter, multiple. you know, it s just i think you d have a better case if you said to me, juan, thb president has made a big show of loving the military at every turn, done everything how so? i would never say something like that because it s not true. oh, it is true. the president has made i think people on this show have questioned whether it s sincere. he s cut benefits at the department of defense. he s drawn down the military. there s a sergeant in the marines you said we re at war? that jailed marines served two tors in afghanistan. he s in mx co- does it matter which country they re in? we re not in war with mexico. are we, juan? no, we re not. i couldn t agree more. i think it s out of line for it that man to have tweeted that message and i think it s out of line for the white house to be saying that somehow these soldiers are swift boating derg baderg bergdahl. those soldiers were on the ground. they were there. they have a story to
bergdahls. spoke to the derg bergdahl s release. he told him their son s reintegration was top priority right now. i know seangt hagel has signed off on this. former secretary of defense panetta had not signed off. he was opposed to the earlier deal. when you get down below the secretary level to the other people at the pentagon, what are they saying about this? do they think this was a good deal and a smart move? like, i think there is a lot of churn here at the pentagon. the official line, of course, is that this they had no other choice. this is what they needed to do to bring an american home. the war was ending and there was a feeling that guantanamo is going to be closed at some point anyway and that these five taliban leaders were going to be released somehow anyway so they might as well get an american home and tie up that loose end before the war is over. so, there is just is a great deal of sort of gritting of