Girls Trip), the follow up to the 1996 classic
Space Jam finds James stepping into Michael Jordan s shoes and playing a heightened version of himself. The father of three is struggling to relate to younger son, Dom (Joe), who s more interested in creating games than playing sports. And when Dom s tech skills draw the attention of a rogue A.I. named Al G Rhythm (Don Cheadle), the father-son duo get sucked into the Warner 3000 entertainment Server-verse. How will they get out? Well, round up the Looney Tunes and play a basketball game, of course!
As part of EW s
New Legacy cover, Joe dished on learning he scored the coveted role, getting basketball tips from his GOAT, and choosing an unexpected favorite costar.
Published March 5, 2021
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Space Jam: A New Legacy has been announced for a mid-2021 release, and fans of the original have spent the day frothing over the fact that we’ll finally get our hands on a new
Space Jam film soon. And mates, it looks fkn GOOD, and very fkn weird.