Aligarh : In a historic moment at the Indian Mobile Congress 2023, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi awarded the '5G use case laboratory' to the Department of Electronics Engineering at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU). The ceremony took place o
It is a hot and dry day at the huge campus of IIT Gandhinagar in Gujarat. The temperature is so high that it is becoming difficult to walk from one block to another. In the hot weather, I come across a group of students who are unperturbed by the heat and are judiciously working inside an AC hall. Their aim is to invent something useful. All of them are young inventors from different IITs, NITs and BITs from across the country.
Aligarh : Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), IIIT Hyderabad, and MNIT Jaipur secured joint funding of Rs. 288 Lacs for the Project titled “Development of Silicon Proven IP Cores, Transceiver IC and System Prototype for mmWave Radar Sensing in Hea