ukraine unless they announced investigations into the bidens and a debunked russian inspired conspiracy theory about 2016. here s why donald trump is being impeached. it is improper for the president of the united states to demande a foreign governmen investigate a u.s. citizen and a political opponent. was there a quid pro quo? the answer is yes. he was being involved in a domestic political errand, and we were being involved in national security foreign policy, and those two things had just diverged. everyone was in the loop. it was no secret. everyone was informed via email on july 19th th. days t before the presidential call. such conduct undermines the u.s., exposes our friends, and widens the playing field for autocrats like president putin. our leadership depends on the power of our example and the consistency of our purpose.
the idea is this was settled in 2016. let the next election settle it. democrats have been trying hard to make an argument here that the nexte election is put in jeopardy by the president s conduct, ande it s really that question, do you think this is about overturning the will of voters o in 2016 or protecting e will of voters in 2020 that is so central to whatever ongoing debate might kpi in the minds of undecided voters and americans or perhaps even undecided members of congress trying to figure out how they might vote come next week. michael steele, it s an important political point. i think the idea that this is not about punishing donald trump, it ssh about protecting america, if you see a few weeks down the road some cracks in the gop fire wall, not enough to convict him, but enough to make it symbolically bipartisan vote on s conviction, i think it wil be the message of protecting future presidential elections from russia meddling. i think there s a lot of value to that poi
today in service to the duty ofse our constitution and the country. we are introducing two articles of impeachment charging the president of the united states, donald j. trump with committing high crimes and misdemeanors. our president holds the ultimate public trust. when he rubetrays that trust an puts himself before country, he endangers the constitution, he endangers our democracy and he endangers ourd national securi. it s the president redoubles his campaign about an elusive deep state, a reminder of how we got here in the it was donald trump s owne white house staff. donald trump s only political appointees andca u.s. ambassado testifying against the demands of the president about the facts of a quid pro quo in which military aid and a white house meeting were withheld from
fbi are being run. it s important to keep in mind that president trump has been cross wise with the fbi director wray forh some time now. there have been a number of flash points over the last few months. none, however, as extreme as what we saw on twitter from the president this morning. and bill barr, trump finally has the attorney general he s wanted. somebody who is echoing the president s points, highlighting some of his conspiracies, and really turning against his own departments, inspect general, his own fbi in favor of advancing the president s cause, in this case, making the case, making the point that the russia investigation was begun under wrong pretenses and that trump was somehow a victim of law enforcement in this country. garrett haake, the story they really, really, really don t want us to focus on today, the history that donald trump made today when two articles of impeachment were announced against him making him the
that s going to beor the explose report. that sxp the one everyone shoul pay attention to. and according to his sources, it s going to be very damning. thank you for spending some time with us. after the break, one of the men falsely accused of treason by the presidentse exonerated from theer attacks launched against m byla donald trump. we speak to his attorney about what comes next for former acting director of the fbi, andrew mccabe. and russia in the house. donald trump s house, to be specific. whymp are top russian officials back in the west wing on the day articles of impeachment are announced describing donald trump sun abuse of power and withholding military aid for u.s. ally, threatened by none other than russia. all those stories coming up. sto.