And how it shaped his interest in nature. He talked about the legislative houses and opposition to establishing the 10th National Park. Hosted by history colorado, this event marking the centennial of the park is a little over one hour. On genuine 26, 1915, Woodrow Wilson created rocky Mount National park. Five days earlier on january 20, the enabling legislation, a cartoon on the screen behind me appeared in the denver post. It shows enos mills shaking hands with the goddess colorado, who was saying, enos, i am proud of you. In the background, to mountains speaking. Further complements followed, and within months enos mills was being hailed as the father of Rocky Mountain National Park. The title that mills himself would appropriate in his own writings. That title has followed mills from his time to our own. To cite the most obvious public example, that title graces the pedestal of the bronze lifesize statue of mills and his border collie, scotch. It has stood in the corner of a park