see it here with the smoke tracker and actually let me step on the other side of the screen, absolutely dense conditions, the time stamp is just behind me and you re now settling into this evening and getting to the overnight hours and still incredibly thick with smoke from philadelphia up to new york and take you into tomorrow morning, not a huge improvement. this is now 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. you do see more of the smoke spill off the west and suddenly philadelphia and new york with a bit of haze and smoke and denser smoke drifted off to places like pitburg, detroit, columbus, cleveland across areas of ohio and these winds shift a bit and that ll be a huge part of kind of where this system goes and see the winds continuing to spin and time stamp up in the corner and winds out of the north, neil, running you all the way into friday. suddenly this breaks down a little bit and that s when you start seeing perhaps sunday or so and winds shift and that s
this is so beautiful. after coffee arrived here, veracruzanos took it inland to cultivate it, where it flourished, before exporting it back to the rest of the world. this landscape is amazing. i don t feel like i m in mexico. i feel like i m in an amazon rain forest. today veracruz produces around a quarter of mexico s coffee, which thrives in the shade and altitude in mountain areas. the cooler temperatures up here slow the growth of the beans, making them sweeter and more dense. and the denser the bean, the better the flavor. hola. hola. hi, eva. how are you? nice to meet you. welcome to patella. and this is a coffee field.