Et si nous nous mettions à l’heure espagnole ? Alors que les prix de l’énergie explosent, le gouvernement espagnol met en œuvre une série de mesures pour réduire de moitié la facture, avec notamment une réduction de la TVA de 21 à 10 %. Pour le PTB, la Belgique doit suivre l’exemple ibérique en puisant dans les bénéfices records des producteurs d’énergie.
Due to a merger on May 31, 2021 between exchange member Erik Penser Bank AB (publ) and its parent company Yggdrasil Bank AB as the continuing entity, activities and member ID under existing memberships
Due to a merger on May 31, 2021 between exchange member Erik Penser Bank AB
(publ) and its parent company Yggdrasil Bank AB as the continuing entity,
activities and member ID under existing memberships
NASDAQ OMX Nordic: Change of Exchange Membership on Nasdaq Stockholm: Erik Bank Penser AB
Due to a merger on May 31, 2021 between exchange member Erik Penser Bank AB
(publ) and its parent company Yggdrasil Bank AB as the continuing entity,
activities and member ID under existing memberships for cash equity, fixed
income and derivatives will be transferred to Yggdrasil Bank AB. Yggdrasil Bank
AB will as of the date for the merger change name to Erik Penser Bank AB and
the member ID s will therefore remain in accordance to the below.
The change of legal entity for Erik Penser Bank AB will be effective in the